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Book Your Tickets Now to our Virtual Insight into Transport for London on Tuesday 28th November from 5pm - 6:30pm!


Did you know, that as well as operating London’s public transport network, Transport for London is London’s third biggest landowner? And that they have plans to build 20,000 homes across London in the next 10 years?

We have a fantastic opportunity for you to attend our upcoming virtual 

Insight into Transport For London on the 8th November 5.00 pm - 6.30 pm, and find out about the huge variety of careers available at Transport for London, its property company Places for London and their partners.

Who are TfL?

Transport for London (TfL), is an umbrella government body that operates the iconic trains, tubes and buses in and around London. They are also one of London’s largest landowners and have created a property company to make the most of these valuable assets. We want to help you understand the breadth of who TfL is and who they partner with to achieve their mission. 

London Underground's history dates back to 1863 when the world's first underground railway, the Metropolitan Railway, opened between Paddington and Farringdon, serving six intermediate stations. Since then the Underground network, affectionately nicknamed the Tube by generations of Londoners, has grown to 272 stations and 11 lines stretching deep into the capital's suburbs and beyond. The work of TfL is deeply rooted in the history of London, and paved the way for much of the growth of London.

What can you expect?

  • You will get to hear from Transport for London, their wholly owned property company Places for London, and several of their partners, including Barratt London and Earls Court Development Company. You will learn how these organisations work hard to create connected communities for individuals to thrive in, as well as gain insight into different roles in these organisations so you can be part of the future.

  • You will hear from each of the organisations to understand their business and career opportunities. This will be through keynote speakers and panel discussions where you'll have the chance to hear from multiple apprentices, along with some senior representatives attending from the organisations so you can learn what it takes to get to the top.

  • Our panellists will be sharing unique insights into their careers, offering their own journeys and answering your questions directly!

Throughout the event, you will discover potential career paths available with these TfL and its partners ranging from engineering degree apprenticeships, to construction and corporate roles in a number of organisations. 

If you are interested in taking your career journey to the next stop, this is your opportunity to be part of the future of TfL!

Sign up now through the link below to secure your spot at this great event.

Application Link:

We hope to see you there!

Best regards, 

Ben / Young Professionals

Ben McDonald

Student Marketing & Events Assistant

W: &

Instagram: @youngprouk Twitter: @youngprouk
